Since the batteries and item which contains batteries belong to the category of dangerous goods, if the transportation is improperly packed, the package may be held or can not be shipped. Therefore, UPS & Fedex has strict requirements for the transportation of batteries and related Items:
1.Battery Label size requirement:
The mark must be in the form of a rectangle with hatched edging. The mark must be not less than 120 mm (4.7 inches) wide by 110 mm (4.3 inches) high and the minimum width of the hatching must be 5 mm (0.2 inches), except marks of 105 mm (4.1 inches) wide by 74 mm (2.9 inches) high may be used on a package containing lithium batteries when the package is too small for the larger mark;
The symbols and letters must be black on white or suitable contrasting background and the hatching must be red;
The “*” must be replaced by the appropriate UN number(s) and the “**” must be replaced by a telephone number for additional information;
Where dimensions are not specified, all features shall be in approximate proportion to those shown.
If a package contains lithium cells or batteries assigned to different UN numbers, all applicable UN numbers must be indicated on one or more marks. The package must be of such size that there is adequate space to affix the mark on one side without the mark being folded.
When packages are placed in an overpack, the lithium battery mark shall either be clearly visible through the overpack or be reproduced on the outside of the overpack and the overpack shall be marked with the word “OVERPACK”. The lettering of the “OVERPACK” mark shall be at least 12 mm (0.47 inches) high.
2.Battery Capacity limit:
2.1 Overview
The Watt-hour (Wh) rating may not exceed 20 Wh for a lithium ion cell or 100 Wh for a lithium ion battery. After December 31, 2015, each lithium ion battery subject to this provision must be marked with the Watt-hour rating on the outside case.
The lithium content may not exceed 1 g for a lithium metal cell or 2 g for a lithium metal battery.
Except when lithium cells or batteries are packed with or contained in equipment in quantities not exceeding 5 kg net weight, the outer package that contains lithium cells or batteries must be appropriately marked: “PRIMARY LITHIUM BATTERIES - FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT”, “LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES - FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT”, “LITHIUM ION BATTERIES - FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT” or labeled with a “CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY” label
For transportation by highway or rail only, the lithium content of the cell and battery may be increased to 5 g for a lithium metal cell or 25 g for a lithium metal battery and 60 Wh for a lithium ion cell or 300 Wh for a lithium ion battery, provided the outer package is marked: “LITHIUM BATTERIES - FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD AIRCRAFT AND VESSEL.”
The marking must have a background of contrasting color, and the letters in the marking must be:
❖At least 6 mm (0.25 inch) in height on packages having a gross weight of 30 kg (66 pounds) or less, except that smaller font may be used as necessary when package dimensions so require.
❖At least 12 mm (0.5 inch) in height on packages having a gross weight of more than 30 kg (66 pounds).
❖Except when lithium cells or batteries are packed with, or contained in, equipment, each package must not exceed 30 kg (66 pounds) gross weight
For air - all lithium batteries should be prepared by trained and certified under hazmat regulation contracts regardless of the watt hour.
For ground - Total package cannot exceed 66lbs and should have a battey mark UN3480 and a statement outside of the box next to the lithium battery mark
"lithium batteries forbidden for transport aboard aircraft and vessel"
Ground- Less than 100 wh should be strong rigid packaging with a lithium battery marking and "a cargo aircraft only" sticker and with max weight of 66 lbs;
For more than 100wh not more than 66lbs,should have a lithium battery marking label and statement "lithium batteries forbidden for transport aboard aircraft and vessel";
Express- it is always considered as dangerous goods. For less than 100wh under section 1b strong rigid packaging (special boxes used to pack dangerous good);
Lithium battery / battery contained equipment can be send through Fedex ground to Hawaii / Alaska as long as under 100 watt hours;、
For lithium battery / battery contained equipment more than 100 watt hours, it should be sent via air which is FedEx express. It should have fully regulated documents like 3 copies shipper's declaration for dangerous goods and should be done via software and prepare the package according to IATA training
3.Destination limit:
UPS Ground Did Not ship Hazardous Materials, including Limited Quantity, combustible materials and Lithium Batteries (Fully and Lightly Regulated) to or from the following areas:Alaska; Hawaii; Puerto Rico; Avalon, CA; Catalina Island, CA; Beaver Island, MI; Mackinac Island, MI (winter only); The Bass Islands, OH; Kelley's Island, OH; and San Juan Islands, WA;
Ground service for hazardous materials, including Limited Quantity and combustible materials, is no longer available for packages being shipped to or from Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Catalina Island. This change became effective January 1, 2011.
4.Packing Requirement
4.1 Overview
Incorporate a safety venting device or be designed to preclude a violent rupture under conditions normally incident to transport;
Be equipped with means of preventing external short circuits;
Be equipped with a means of preventing dangerous reverse current flow (e.g., diodes or fuses) if a battery contains cells, or a series of cells that are connected in parallel.
Lithium cells and batteries must be packed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell or battery then placed in a strong rigid outer package unless the cell or battery is contained in equipment and is afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which it is contained. Except when lithium cells or batteries are contained in equipment, each package of lithium cells or batteries, or the completed package when packed with equipment, must be capable of withstanding a 1.2 meter drop test, in any orientation, without damage to the cells or batteries contained in the package, without shifting of the contents that would allow battery-to-battery (or cell-to-cell) contact, and without release of the contents of the package.
4.2 For packages containing lithium cells or batteries offered for transportation:
The lithium cells or batteries must be placed in non-metallic inner packagings that completely enclose the cells or batteries, and separate the cells or batteries from contact with equipment, other devices, or electrically conductive materials (e.g., metal) in the packaging.
The inner packagings containing lithium cells or batteries must be placed in one of the following packagings meeting the requirements of part 178, subparts L and M, of this subchapter at the Packing Group II level:
❖(A) Metal (4A, 4B, 4N), wooden (4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F), fiberboard (4G), or solid plastic (4H1, 4H2) box;
❖(B) Metal (1A2, 1B2, 1N2), plywood (1D), fiber (1G), or plastic (1H2) drum;
❖(C) Metal (3A2, 3B2) or plastic (3H2) jerrican.
4.3 When packed with equipment, lithium cells or batteries must:
Be placed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell or battery, then placed in an outer packaging. The completed package for the cells or batteries must meet the Packing Group II performance requirements;
Or, Be placed in inner packagings that completely enclose the cell or battery, then placed with equipment in a package that meets the Packing Group II performance requirements;
4.4 When lithium cells or batteries are contained in equipment:
The outer packaging, when used, must be constructed of suitable material of adequate strength and design in relation to the capacity and intended use of the packaging, unless the lithium cells or batteries are afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which they are contained;
Equipment must be secured to prevent damage caused by shifting within the outer packaging and be packed so as to prevent accidental operation during transport;
Any spare lithium cells or batteries packed with the equipment must be packaged in accordance with carrier requirements
5.Shipping papers issue
When required, shippers must use a Crossborder Ground Dangerous Goods Shipping Paper to be in compliance with UPS and TDG regulatory requirements. The shipping paper can be ordered on or UPS store
Someone who is responsible for shipping a hazmat package is the one who should undergo the training or seminars for hazmat.
6. Action for Violation behavior
Since the carrier has strict control over the delivery of hazardous goods, any violation behavior will affect the usage of your account. If the hazardous goods are shipped in violation of regulations, EzeeShip will take the following methods accordingly.
Violation for 1st time: Close service for 2 weeks and guide customers about the battery shipping regulations.
Violation for 2 times: Frozen account for 1 month and inform customer
Violation for 3 times: Frozen account permanently
For more details, please refer to the following links:
If you have any question, please contact us in time:
Hotline number: 323-515-9683