Customs is the governing agency that approves the items importing and exporting out of a country. Every time you ship internationally you need to fill out a customs form. It will safeguards the packages you are sending across borders and will reach to the destination safely. If there’s a mistake or wrong information, your package will be on hold in customs for further investigation and it means delay of delivery.
They are used to proclaim the value and what’s inside of your package, this is also a waiver that you have fulfilled the shipping laws of both beginning and endpoint countries. Part of the inspection they will assess the package for taxes and duties. The form is like a visa of your package.
What You Need
Name and complete address of sender
Complete address and name of recipient
This is EzeeShip’s form in creating international order:
Item description (if there are numerous not the same products in the one package, you need to take note them all individually)
Number of items
Cost of each item
Weight and dimensions of package
Date of sending
Invoice number
Terms of payment
Procedure to follow for non-deliverable parcels
Please see sample of EzeeShip’s custom form:
How to avoid mistakes with your customs forms, this form requires your full focus, be careful and honest while filling it out.
Here are some mistakes you can avoid:
· Incorrect details about sender and receiver and value
· Avoid putting wrong value of the package· Wrong product description
· Wrong facts about the hazardous materials
· Wrong attachment of form
In today’s economy, time and money are the essentials. Errors in international shipping can suddenly increase the costs while time is dragging down, and this lead to customers’ dissatisfaction.
If you are not careful in filling the forms it will be a problem to you packages. EzeeShip can help you in filling up the custom forms and automatically printing all the documents you need for shipping internationally. Sign up for free to have your international shipping easy peasy lemon squeezy!
feel free to reach us at or call: Tel: USA Office: +1 323 515 9683
China Office: +86 (0731)-8513-3680
We will be happy to assist you :)